We know how it feels to be told you are at risk of redundancy.
Settlement Agreement
Our employment team are experts in advising employees.
Unfair Dismissal
Have you been dismissed unexpectedly or feel that you have been treated unfairly?
Regardless of your personal circumstances, you should never be treated differently
We can help you.
Whether you have a simple query or you're in desperate need of help, we are passionate about helping working people and strive for the best results possible.
Get Help TodayCovid-19
You've read about it everywhere. It's in the News every day. Now, you find yourself furloughed, pay reduced or made redundant with no notice or process whatsoever.
What are your employment rights if your employment is adversely affected as a result of Covid-19? We understand it's a minefield and right now is not a time to be spending money on legal advice.
To help, we've set up a FREE employment rights helpline where you can speak to one of our legal advisors for advice and support. Please call 0800 069 9060